Saturday, April 07, 2007


If you've ever been to this blog before, you already know that this blog was on hiatus for a long time but is now undergoing changes. I changed the title from Xe Om, Cyclo, Etc to Street Talk. That's primarily because I want to. And I can. That's what blogging does, power, power, power. I am a hermaphrodite. I satisfy my own whims, desires, without restraint! (yes!) Anyone can comment now. If you wonder why only registered blogspot users can comment before, I tell you, I don't know, that's me. I'll also be updating links,remove some, add some, etc but that will come later.


kugs said...

hi madbrownwoman :)

i think we've met before. were you at mike's lunch despedida last december? we were talking while playing pool, if i remember correctly.

amadbrownwoman said...

troh! if i remember correctly you said i suck at billiards, or somethign like it,hehe..

Annie said...

Hey Cheryl, this is Annie from Blog Summit 3. I don't have your number otherwise i would have called. I want to invite you to come have eat with us at the sushi bar in Zen Plaza tonight at 7pm and YOKO after that. Let me know.

Have a good one.

amadbrownwoman said...

just saw your comment and it's now i thnk i can't make it.
this is my email,