Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Che:A Revolutionary Martyr Turned Sweetie?

This should have been titled My Foray Into The World Of Che.

I am known as Che by my friends. I have a dry humor and an acerbic tongue. This nickname stuck when I went to college and I realized that my then new found friends could not pronounce my original nickname well. I got tired of correcting them like an elementary school language teacher. So I accepted it. I just shortened my real name.

Che I became.

Still in college. I discovered Che. I mean my namesake Che Guevara, a marxist revolutionary marytr who was born in Argentina. He was an important guerilla leader in Cuba. You've probably seen his image in some shirts as he has been adopted as an "icon" by some popular brands. These brands are capitalizing on his image, thereby making profit out of him.

Ironic it is.

In Vietnam, I had a taste of che. Literally. Apparently, it is a dessert enjoyed by many people here, especially in the South. I tried it the night I arrived in Ho Chi Minh in Quan An Ngon Restaurant.

Yummy it was.

I know that in other countries che may have a different meaning, too. I am looking forward to discovering those che's. Meanwhile, I am going to enjoy che in Vietnam while I can.

Viva la Che!


D. said...

Dropping in to thank you for the link, and to inquire if you've found your favorite chè style/flavor yet.

Jon Hoff said...

Hi there! Nice blog! Also thanks for the link, I'll put your blog onto my links list!

amadbrownwoman said...

to d.
yes, i have, sadly,i don't know the name. it's the one i tried in quan an ngon. when i order, i just point to it and say samesame. i tried researching (read: look for it in noodlepie) but it's not one of 'em che's there. and i liked your blog thus the link.
to john hoff
hi! your blog's nice too and thanks.