online geekness
shortened version of friendster messages between two huh, friends (i just love me in my real articulate moments
vietnam: oi,oi,oi, have you read zadie smith? just read autograph man (available at all leading pirated bookstores nationwide!), go read, am now looking for white teeth
philippines: (response in less than a week, remarkable since this person would respond usually after a month, or two or never, honestly that's what friends are for) why, what's great about zadie smith?
vietnam: funny, flaneur, fucked-up, well, autograph man, at least
philipines: hmm, zadie smith, flaneur mode you say? i'll look it up. the best i've read lately is alain de botton's the art of travel, which is a sort of intellectual/academic but still bourgeois mind trip on, what else, d'art of travel
admittedly i am vietnam, so yes geek. and while on the subject of friends:
i saw the best minds of my generation work in call centers( i know you're dead but take that ginsberg! and zadie smith)
and of course, another one of my old time friends
indie movies from phil, why oh why are indies from other asian countries not available here? what the?
ps as far as i know zadie smith not dead yet, just to clarify
pps women do loose their ability to take pictures of themselves when they have children, children as some form of physical extension, after all the theorizing and foa shiz char! (there i go again)
ppps foa=full of art, pare!
ppps raia pps is for you dear
pppps on the ginsberg allusion you know yous
ppppps i miss you and love you and miss you my friends (ang mushy nito)
pppppps ma tante s'appelait bella, ma chere lara et elle etait une chienne, just saying